
Small Sewage Treatment Plants

Small Sewage Treatment Plants (SSTP) Saudi Arabia

Small sewage treatment plants (SSTP) are an interesting initiative by Saudi Arabia. There are various costs that need to be considered while designing centralized STP like the cost of land acquisition, access, substations, large infrastructures, buildings etc… decentralization of sewage treatment will be better solution than the traditional centralized sewage treatment system in terms of operational convenience and the quality of effluent. The capital cost of small treatment plants being higher per capita than larger plants is because of the scale effect. But considering the quality of effluent the applications where we can reuse these effluents are very wide. MEFT is a trusted MBBR STP / Sewage treatment plant supplier in Saudi Arabia, offering highly efficient solutions. MBBR stands for Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor. This method of sewage treatment employs biological technology.

The design of small treatment plant is critical as compared to the design of works of larger capacities. There are many advantages of decentralized sanitation systems provide

  1. We can avoid building a large sewage network, including lifting stations and storage facilities to handle combined sewage flow, etc… that results in significant cost savings.
  2. Failures of single units do not affect the whole system.
  3. The effluent from the package treatment system can be reused for flushing and gardening as the treatment takes place at a higher standard than conventional methods.

For the effective implementation of small sewage treatment plants, some points to be taken care of:

  1. Package sewage treatment plants must provide advanced wastewater treatment. They must be highly effective, robust, easy to operate, and low in cost. MEFT is also a leading TSE water treatment plant supplier in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Operation and maintenance of the system shall be done by specially trained people.
  3. It should be realized that wastewater that is generated in households, commercial buildings, and different industries consists of various fractions, each specific concerning flow, composition and concentration, patterns of flow, etc. You need to identify the parameters, and the system has to be designed to meet local regulations and effluent application.

MEFT package small sewage treatment plant technology

MEFT package small sewage treatment plants are built carefully considering latest engineering practice and technology:

MEFT package system will have following characteristics:

  1. Produce a good quality effluent for reuse
  2. Designed to handle peak flow and load variations.
  3. Simple and easy operation
  4. Fully automatic.
  5. Low maintenance.
  6. Minimal aesthetic impact
  7. Low overall cost – i.e. capital, installation, and operating cost
  8. The small footprint of the treatment plant
  9. Long life and high quality.